Granulated Paraffin Wax

Granulated Paraffin Wax
Granulated Paraffin wax is a type derived from oil, which thanks to its unique composition make it an interesting ingredient in the cosmetics industry. Granulated Paraffin wax is especially rich in minerals like iron, silicon and magnesium. It is also a valuable source of vitamin E, which is often added to creams for mature women because it helps fight against skin aging. Paraffin wax has a large heat capacity, can therefore absorb and further retain large amounts of heat. Paraffin bath uses the heat retention capacity of paraffin in a simple process called thermal exchange. While the paraffin wax changes state, heat is transferred to the core of the affected area. While the heat from the paraffin opens pores and promotes the circulation of nutrients in the skin. Paraffin wraps represent a procedure that combines medical and aesthetic effects. During of wrap occurs from heat and minerals into the skin, increasing the blood flow, softens and improves its tone. Among the most popular include paraffin wraps of arms and legs. These regular paraffin wraps is achieved not only a nail strengthener, lovely soft silky skin, the visible and immediate rejuvenation, but it come to a drain on the small joints, stiff wrists that result from such a one-sided effort for example- while working on the computer. Paraffin wrap improves blood circulation in skin, soften hard skin, warms the muscles, relaxes stiff and painful joints.
Benefits of Granulated Paraffin Wax
– Fill the skin with vitamins and oils
– Has a beneficial effect on the growth and strength of nails
– Paraffin to the face – improves skin tone, deeply moisturizes, softens wrinkles, rejuvenating. Prevents thickening of the skin. Immediately return skin elasticity and softness.
– Speed up the metabolism and cell regeneration.
– Regular wraps is achieved by strengthening the quality and the overall change in nails.
Granulated Paraffin Wax Usage
It operates in the intensive regeneration of the skin. It is suitable for strained, cracked and dry skin, it can also be in addition to beauty treatments as a preventative health treatment arms.
Paraffin wax treatment for hands and feet – is designed for skin suffering from drying, cracking and lack of nutrition.