All posts by: firstadmin110

About firstadmin110

What is polyethylene wax? Polyethylene Wax, also known as PE Wax, is an ultra low molecular weight polyethylene. PE wax has a large variety of uses and applications. It is produced through processes like polymerization and refining, resulting in a product that is highly valued for its low viscosity and excellent compatibility with other materials. […]

vaseline safety There is a debate about using petroleum jelly on the skin. Some people think it contains harmful chemicals that can suffocate pores and have damaging effects. Before it has been refined, raw petroleum jelly does include some carcinogenic stuff, it’s true, but Vaseline is highly refined, triple-filtered, and claims not to contain any […]

vaseline uses Practical & Household Vaseline Uses Keep Halloween Pumpkin Looking Fresh Rub Vaseline into the cut or carved edges of your Halloween pumpkins to slow down the rot and keep your pumpkins looking pristine for Halloween! Help Prevent Battery Corrosion Disconnect car battery terminals, give them a clean with a wire brush, and then […]

uses for Vaseline Brilliant Beauty Uses for Vaseline Use Vaseline to Soften Dry, Cracked Feet As a home remedy for dry feet and cracked heels, Vaseline works great. For best results, slather your feet in Vaseline and put on a pair of socks, which will help your feet absorb as much as possible. It can […]

vaseline application Vaseline application around your home The bathroom cupboard is home to all manner of long-forgotten lotions and potions. Sitting alongside the expired medicine and rusty nail scissors, you’ll find the humble pot of Vaseline. A tub of petroleum jelly is a staple of most households, but it would seem that most of us […]

Gasoline Description of Gasoline: Gasoline, petrol (British English) or gas (American English) is a colorless petroleum-derived flammable liquid that is used primarily as a fuel in spark-ignited internal combustion engines. It consists mostly of organic compounds obtained by the fractional distillation of petroleum, enhanced with a variety of additives. It is one of the biggest […]

Liquefied Petroleum Gas Description of Liquefied Petroleum Gas: Liquefied Petroleum Gas or liquid petroleum gas (LPG or LP gas), also referred to as simply propane or butane, are flammable mixtures of hydrocarbon gases used as fuel in heating appliances, cooking equipment, and vehicles. The butane and propane gases obtained during the distillation of crude oil […]

Slow Curing Cutback Asphalt Slow Curing Cutback Asphalt Asphalt cutback use petroleum solvents for dissolving asphalt cement. The solvents are variously called distillate, diluents or cutter stock. If the solvent used in making the cutback asphalt is highly volatile, it will quickly escape by evaporation. Solvents of lower volatility evaporate more slowly. On the basis […]

Medium Curing Cutback Asphalt Medium Curing Cutback Asphalt Medium curing (MC) cutback asphalts are defined as those asphalt grades, which are prepared by using the medium volatile kerosene as the prime coat with boiling point ranges (MC-30, 70, 250, 800, 3000). The mix is done in a cold manner. Cutback bitumen or asphalt is classified […]