All posts by: firstadmin110

About firstadmin110

Rapid Curing Cutback Asphalt Definition of Rapid Curing Cutback Asphalt Cut-back asphalts is defined as the bitumen whose viscosity value will be greatly reduced by the addition of volatile diluents (high viscosity). It mainly depends upon the diluents used. Generally, three types of cutbacks are used as follows, 1) rapid curing, 2) medium curing and […]

Description of Polybutadiene Rubber Butadiene rubber-BR is a synthetic rubber. Polybutadiene rubber is a polymer formed from the polymerization of the monomer 1,3-butadiene. Polybutadiene has a high resistance to wear and is used especially in the manufacture of tires, which consumes about 70% of the production. Another 25% is used as an additive to improve […]

Base Oil SOC 4 Description of Base Oil SOC 4: SOC-4 by RAHA Oil Company is a VHVI paraffinic base oil with consistent and uniform high quality. It offers broad blending coverage with performance capabilities in a wide range of lubricant applications including gasoline and diesel engine oils, transmission, turbine, hydraulic, compressor and other industrial […]

The American Petroleum Institute (API) has categorized base oils into five categories (API 1509, Appendix E). The first three groups are refined from petroleum crude oil. Group IV base oils are full synthetic (polyalphaolefin) oils. Group V is for all other base oils not included in Groups I through IV. Before all the additives are […]

Sodium Hydroxide Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH): Properties, Applications, and Safety What is Sodium Hydroxide? Sodium hydroxide, commonly known as caustic soda or lye, is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula NaOH. It is a white crystalline solid that is highly caustic and can absorb moisture from the air. NaOH consists of sodium cations (Na⁺) and […]

Description of Bright Stock Bright Stock refers to lube base oils of high viscosity produced by atmospheric distillation and vacuum distillation, then extracting and dewaxing solvents from residual oils. And finally hydro finishing. Bright stock is used to make lubricating oils of the desired viscosity by mixing with lubricating oils of low viscosity (used for […]

Chlorinated paraffin (CPs) are complex mixtures of polychlorinated n-alkanes. The chlorination degree of CPs can vary between 30 and 70 wt%. CPs are subdivided according to their carbon chain length into short chain CPs (SCCPs, C10–13), medium chain CPs (MCCPs, C14–17) and long chain CPs (LCCPs, C>17). Depending on chain length and chlorine content, CPs […]

Therapy Liquid paraffin oil is used by physical therapists to warm up a body part such as the hand. When the hand is submerged into a tub of paraffin, the tissues inside the hand are warmed up to prepare the patient for a more effective therapy session. Paraffin is also used as a skin treatment. […]

Description of Crude Oil Crude oil is a naturally occurring, unrefined petroleum product composed of hydrocarbon deposits and other organic materials. A type of fossil fuel, crude oil can be refined to produce usable products such as gasoline, diesel and various forms of petrochemicals. It is a nonrenewable resource, which means that it can’t be […]