RPO Price

To get today last updated rate of Rubber Process Oil please contact to sales manager of RPO Mr. Salem on WhatsApp +98-913-2884959

updated price on 4/07/2020

Last price of RPO is 225$ FOB Bandar Abbas new steel drum per mt

updated price on 12/21/2020

Last price of RPO is 310$ FOB Bandar Abbas in reconditioned steel drum per mt

updated price on 01/July/2022

Price of Rubber Process Oil FOB Bandar Abbas bulk packing is 500$ per mt 

Benchmark U.S. crude oil prices dived into negative territory on Monday, due to a collapse in demand caused by the Corona virus pandemic and a lack of storage capacity for excess supply.

While June futures contracts for WTI crude and prices for Brent crude remain positive at levels of over $20 per barrel, the pain for the oil prices may be far from over, given that transportation and industrial activity, which together account for more than 90% of crude oil demand, are likely to remain depressed in the near-term.

Our analysis U.S Oil Consumption by Sector shows underlying numbers across residential, commercial compared to transportation and industrial consumption.

Key Takeaways Of Oil

  • Oil prices are influenced by a variety of factors but are particularly responsive to decisions about output made by OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.
  • Like any product, the laws of supply and demand influence prices; a combination of stable demand and oversupply has put pressure on oil prices over the last five years.
  • Natural disasters that could potentially disrupt production, and political unrest in an oil-producing juggernaut like the Middle East all impact pricing.
  • Production costs influence prices, along with storage capacity; although less impactful, the direction of interest rates can also influence the price of commodities.

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