oxidized bitumen


Normal Paraffin Determination of Normal Paraffin Normal Paraffin is a clear liquid that are made up of saturated hydrocarbons with a straight-chain structure. They are either extracted from kerosene or through the “Fischer-Tropsch process” at gas-to-liquid production sites. Paraffin (or called kerosene) is a mixture of hydrocarbons; it usually consists of about 10 different hydrocarbons, […]

Industrial Liquid Paraffin Description of liquid paraffin industrial grade Liquid paraffin industrial grade is a mineral oil which comes in the form of white oil or alster oil and is a byproduct of petroleum distillation. White oil industrial grade is transparent, colorless, odorless and tasteless oil. it is used only for industrial purposes not directly […]

Oxidized Bitumen 110/30 Description of Oxidized Bitumen 110/30 Oxidized Bitumen 110/30 is produced by either Continuous or Staggered Blowing Process. Heated Penetration Grade Bitumen under controlled environment is blown with air which controls the Oil Content in the Bitumen while it oxidized. The different grades for suited applications produced are designated by two numbers to […]

Oxidized Asphalt 105/35 Description of Oxidized Asphalt 105/35 Oxidized Asphalt 105/35 is produced by either Continuous or Staggered Blowing Process. Heated Penetration Grade Bitumen under controlled environment is blown with air which controls the Oil Content in the Bitumen while it oxidized. The different grades for suited applications produced are designated by two numbers to […]

Oxidized Bitumen 150/5 Description of Oxidized Bitumen 150/5 Oxidized Bitumen 150/5 is produced by either Continuous or Staggered Blowing Process. Heated Penetration Grade Bitumen under controlled environment is blown with air which controls the Oil Content in the Bitumen while it oxidized. The different grades for suited applications produced are designated by two numbers to […]

Oxidation Bitumen Process Oxidation Bitumen Process Bitumen is a hydrocarbon product which is received as the distillation bottom product of an oil refining process and has a high boiling point and viscosity and is soluble in trichloroethylene. Also, the soluble binder product separated from natural asphalts by extraction is bitumen. To improve the properties of […]

Oxidized Bitumen MSDS Oxidized Bitumen MSDS 1. Identification of Substance and Supplier: Substance / preparation: Oxidized Bitumen. Uses: oxidized asphalt product for roofing, building, insulation, infrastructure construction, industrial and civil engineering materials and processes. Manufacturer: RAHA SADR INDUSTRIAL AND TRADING OF ASIA. Address: No.303, Second floor, Navab Complex, Navab Safavi St., Esfahan- Iran. Postal code: […]

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In ac dui quis mi consectetuer lacinia. Nam pretium turpis et arcu. Duis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec, imperdiet iaculis, ipsum.